What We’re
Working On

KBAC’s first priority has been a parking management plan, specifically as it relates to the proposed development of the Washington Street parking lot. The Washington Street lot is owned by the Ketchum Urban Renewal Agency (KURA) and is currently used as public parking, providing approximately 65 spaces for residents, businesses, employees, and visitors.

The current development plan of the Washington Street lot is for an affordable housing development. The plan can be seen on the KURA website here. The development plan include approximately 64 units with 43 parking spaces. The City currently does not have a plan for the approximately additional 21 spaces that are needed for residents, and it does not have a plan for the 65 parking spaces that would be lost to the public with this development. Please visit our Latest Updates page for additional information on this project.

Priority Projects:

-Requesting a pause on the proposed development of the Washington Street lot until a new comp plan and P&Z codes have been approved and adopted by the City and P&Z.

-Ketchum lacks adequate parking for residents, business access, and visitors. Current parking supply will not keep up with the increased demand as development and growth continue. To meet these needs, current City ordinances allowing development of 750 square feet or less a waiver to parking requirements need to be rescinded.

-Expanding the commercial core beyond it’s current boundaries will support business activity and infrastructure.

-Affordable housing site options throughout Ketchum and the Wood River Valley.

-Re-prioritizing the spending of public funds to fully fund affordable housing programs, complete infrastructure safety projects, and create parking access for residents, businesses, and visitors.

-Providing feedback on the City’s comp plan draft. The comp plan can be seen here.

In the 1st quarter of 2025, KBAC is:

-Planning a subcommittee to provide feedback on the City’s comp plan draft. The first meeting of this is Friday, Jan. 3rd at 1:30pm at Nourish Me. Please join if you are available/interested. We anticipate meeting 3-4 times before the comp plan draft comment period ends on January 17th.

-Partnering with the City to lead conversations on the creation of a LID. If you would like to be involved in these conversations, please let us know…shoot us an email at ketchumbusinesscoalition@gmail, or let a KBAC Board member know so we can be sure and tell you about meetings.

-Exploring candidates for the November 2025 mayoral and council election.

-Launch of our new website and branding (thank you to Blue & Pine for creating this!)