Take Action

  • Attend a KBAC meeting. All are welcome. Meetings are held the 2nd Thursday of each month at 10:00am at The Sawtooth Club. Agendas are typically emailed out the Monday before the meeting. Email ketchumbusinesscoalition@gmail.com if you’d like to be on the contact list.

  • Attend a City Council meeting. City Council meetings are typically held every other Monday at 4:30pm at City Hall. Meeting information, including agenda packets, can be found here.

  • Attend a Ketchum Urban Renewal Agency (KURA) meeting. KURA meetings are typically held the 3rd Monday of each month at 2:00pm at City Hall. Meeting information , including agenda packets, can be found here.

  • It’s impactful to be in the room during a meeting, but that is not always possible, and virtual options are offered for each public meeting. Links to join virtually can be found at the top of each individual meeting agenda.

  • Provide public comment. Public comment can be submitted to participate@ketchumidaho.org. In person public comment is also sometimes permitted during public meetings.

  • Ask for a meeting with members of City Council to share ideas and work together towards solutions. Contact information can be found here.

  • It can be overwhelming to know where or how to start. A great first step is to talk with a KBAC member.