Latest Updates
-On December 18th, the City held a workshop on the bike/ped master plan. At this meeting they made clear that they wanted business involvement and feedback on this plan, which is a great improvement compared to how they’ve often operated in the recent past! We don't know the background of this plan, but the current timeline is for the plan to go before the City Council for initial feedback in January, have a round of public feedback sessions in January, and go back to Council for final approval in February. It is unclear what the construction timeline or budget on this proposal would be. It's also a little unclear what the goals of the plan are, but it does look to be linking existing bike/ped paths together and creating additional bike/ped routes throughout town. A link to a video of the meeting can be found here
-During the Dec. 16th KURA meeting, KURA indicated their tentative support of Design Option #6 for the Washington Street Parking Lot Development, which includes both affordable as well as adequate parking and would be funded in part by the creation of a ‘Local Improvement District’ (LID). The next step is for this issue to be discussed and voted-on by the Ketchum City Council. We asked the City to consider holding this discussion later in January where more businesses and members of the public would be able to participate. On Dec. 30th, we received word the LID discussion is expected to be on the January 6th Council agenda. We responded that this would be difficult for many to attend, but businesses would do our best to participate. We'll send out details when they're made available from the City.
-On December 12th, a subcommittee of KBAC Board members and business owners met with City and KURA officials to begin a conversation on the creation of a LID as part of the funding model for parking option #6 on the Washington St. Lot. Early discussions show support for creating a LID that encompasses all of Ketchum. This would impact both residential and commercial properties. Building a LID is a long process, with lots of details to work through-we have had one conversation, but are interested to continue the dialogue, with your input, with the City and KURA to build a partnership for funding this necessary infrastructure. There will be a discussion and update on Washington St on the December 16th KURA meeting. It is not yet know if a vote will be taken at this meeting on action moving forward on Washington St. A link to the agenda can be found here. The December 16th meeting is a big one! Please plan to attend and/or provide public comment to:
-At the November 21st, KBAC Board meeting, the KBAC Board agreed to support parking Option #6, which would expand parking for residents of the development, and include parking for the public. This option would be funded with a mix of taxpayer funds from KURA and the City, and the creation of a LID (local improvement district) that would tax local businesses for the creation of parking infrastructure at Washington St. The six parking options can be viewed here. Parking Option #6 begins about page 55.
-During a November 18th joint KURA/City Council meeting, six options for expanded parking at the Washington Street lot were presented to the KURA Board and City Council. After the presentation, the KURA Board and the City Council recommended moving forward with the Washington St. development project as is-with no additional parking included. This means that the housing development would have approximately 66 units and 44 parking spaces-not enough parking for the residents. It would also remove the approximately 66 public spaces that are currently used in the lot, with no plans from the City to replace or create more parking.