1. What is KBAC?
    KBAC is a group of local businesses, community members, property owners, and property managers who joined together in April 2024 to work to create a positive relationship with the City of Ketchum, advocate for local business needs, and to advise the City on how their policies and decisions directly impact businesses and in turn, the wider community.

  2. Doesn’t Ketchum already have a business advocacy group?
    No. The City voted to defund the long standing and effective Visit Sun Valley/Ketchum Chamber and Visitor’s Bureau about fifteen years ago, and since that time, there really hasn’t been a collective voice for local, existing businesses to collaborate, discuss, and advocate for local business needs and representation. Visit Sun Valley does an incredible job marketing the Ketchum/Sun Valley area, and Sun Valley Economic Development reports on economic trends.

  3. How is KBAC funded?
    KBAC does not currently charge members dues. KBAC costs have been funded privately by Board members, as well as business and community members through costs and in-kind services.

  4. Are you a 501(c)3?
    Yes, KBAC operates under a 501(c)3.

  5. Is KBAC planning a recall of current elected officials?
    The KBAC Board decided that a recall of current elected officials was not the best course of action for us to take the lead on at this time. Any one can head up a recall, and a great resource is the Idaho Secretary of State.
